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Guidelines For
The Re-evaluation Counseling Communities

Adopted at the August 9-14, 2022
World Conference
held on Zoom

purchase here


Poem by Harvey Jackins


About the Guidelines for the RC Community on the
         RC Community's Website

Consent for Young Person's Participation

Introduction to the Guidelines

Information on Guideline M.5. Part B: Addressing
         Sexual Misconduct for the RC Communities

A. The Re-evaluation Counseling Community

A.1. What Is the RC Community

A.2. The Nature of Relationships in the RC Community

A.3. The One-Point Program of the RC Community

A.4. The Membership of the Community

A.5. Confidentiality*

A.6. Handling Difficulties in Relationships in the
         RC Community

B. Communication to Prospective Co-Counselors

B.1. Basic Method Is One-to-One

B.2. Choosing New Co-Counselors

B.3. Use of the Terms "Re-evaluation Counseling"
         and "RC"*

C. Re-evaluation Counseling Classes

C.1. Basic Content of Meetings of Co-Counselors

C.2. Goals of RC Classes

Basic Goals

C.3. Structure of RC Classes

Content of Classes
   Screening for Classes
Expectations of Class Members
Co-Counselors Participating in Classes Outside of Their Area
   Assistant Teachers

C.4. Fundamentals Classes

C.5. Online Classes and Support Groups

D. Requirements for Re-evaluation Counseling

D.1. Certification of RC Teachers*

Certification Required
   Application to Teach
Teaching Credential
Inactive Teachers
Suspension of Credentials

D.2. Requirements of RC Teachers*

Experience and Knowledge
   Moving Against Distress
Attitude Toward Teaching

D.3. Assistant Teachers

D.4. Maintaining the Uniqueness and Consistency of
         RC Theory

D.5. Overcoming Culturally Enforced Distress Patterns

E. Structure and Leadership of the Re-evaluation
         Counseling Community

E.1. Structure of the Community-Leadership

Expectations of Leaders
   One Designated Leader
Reference Persons

E.2. Structure of the Community-Liberation

  Role of the International Liberation Reference Persons and
         International Commonality Reference Persons
Development of Liberation Leadership
Leaders' Groups
Support Groups

E.3. Structure of the Community-
         International Reference Person,
         Alternate International Reference Person

E.4. Structure of the Community-Organizing Locally

Cooperation and Contact
   Leaders' Groups
Leaders' Groups in Developing Communities

E.5. Formation of an Area and Selection of an
         Area Reference Person

Formation of an Area
   Selection of the Area Reference Person

E.6. Functions of the Area Reference Person

Responsibilities of the Area Reference Person
   Alternate Area Reference Person

E.7. Area Membership Meetings

E.8. Struggling Areas

E.9. Growth of New Areas from Existing Areas

New Areas
   Geographic and Non-Geographic Areas

E.10. Regional Reference Person

Appointment of the Regional Reference Person
   Role of the Regional Reference Person
Relationship to the Area

E.11. Developing New Reference Persons

E.12. Unpaid Work in Service of the Community

E.13. Group Responsibility for a Leader's Re-emergence

F. Achieving Correct Positions and Making Decisions

F.1.  Achieving Correct Positions on Issues

F.2. Draft Liberation Policies

F.3. Reaching Decision

G. Re-evaluation Counseling Workshops

G.1. Workshops-Overview

Workshops at Each Level
   Goal of Diversity
Young People
Approval to Attend
One Leader, One Organizer
Care of the Environment

G.2. Interpreting at Workshops

G.3.  Class Workshops

G.4.  Area Workshops

G.5.  Regional Workshops

G.6. International Workshops

G.7.  Teachers' and Leaders' Workshops

G.8. Multi-Regional and International Liberation and
         Commonality Workshops

G.9.  Conferences

Pre-World and World Conferences
   Regional Reference Persons', International Liberation
         Reference Persons', and International Commonality
         Reference Persons' Meetings

G.10.  Cooperative Workshops

G.11. Online, Hybrid, and Satellite Workshops

Online Workshops
   Hybrid Workshops
Satellite Workshops

G.12. Considering the Carbon Footprint of RC Workshops

H. Re-evaluation Counseling Community Finances

H.1. Outreach Funds of the RC Community

H.2. Class Fees and Outreach Funds

Class Fees
   Outreach Funds

H.3. Regional and Area Classes, Support Groups, and
         Playdays, and Area Gather-ins*

Payment to Area Outreach and Community Service Funds
   Division of Payment
Sending Funds
Area and Regional Support Groups and Playdays, and
         Area Gather-ins

H.3.A. Online Regional and Area Classes, Support
         Groups, and Playdays and Area Gather-ins*

Payment to Area Outreach and Community Service Funds
   Division of Payment
Sending Funds
Online Area and Regional Support Groups and Playdays, and
         Area Gather-ins
Organizer Fee

H.4. Class and Area Workshops and Daylong Playdays*

Budgeting for the Community Service Fund
   Completing Workshop Finances

H.4.A. Online Class and Area Workshops and
         Daylong Playdays*

Budgeting for the Community Service Fund
   Completing Workshop Finances

H.5. Regional and International Workshops
         and Gather-ins*

Payment to the Community Service Fund
   Completing Workshop Finances
Unexpected Shortfalls at Workshops
Purpose of Funds

H.5.A. Online Regional and International Workshops
         and Gather-ins, and RC Webinars*

Payment to the Community Service Fund
   Completing Workshop Finances

H.5.B. Hybrid Regional and International Workshops
         and Gather-ins

         Payment to the Community Service Fund
            Completing Workshop Finances

H.6 RC Classes, Programs, and Workshops Conducted
         Outside of the RC Community

H.7. Outreach Finances: Communities Outside the
         United States*

H.8. Maintaining Outreach Funds

Area Outreach Fund and Class, Support Group, Half-day
         Playday, and
Area Gather-in Payments
   Area Outreach Fund and Area Workshop and Daylong
         Playday Payments
Community Service Fund and Area Workshop Payments
Sharing of Area Outreach Funds
Donations to Outreach Funds
Taxes to Be Paid

H.8.A. Maintaining Outreach Funds for Online Activities

Area Outreach Fund and Online Class, Support Group,
         Half-day Playday, and
Area Gather-in Payments
   Area Outreach Fund and Online Area Workshop and Daylong
         Playday Payments
Community Service Fund and Online Area Workshop

H.9. Workshops Funded by International Outreach Funds

H.10. Maintenance Funds

H.11. Leaders' and Organizers' Fees, and Expenses

Leader's Fee
   Considering Local Economies in Setting a Leader's Fee
Organizer's and Technology (Tech) Leader's Fee

H.12. Sliding Fee Scales

H.13. Assisting the Re-Evaluation Foundation's
         Outreach Efforts

Familiarity with the Foundation
   The Role of Co-Counselors
Online Fundraising
Donations to the Foundation and to Outreach Funds

H.14. Outreach to All Groups Targeted by Oppression

I. Communicating about Re-evaluation Counseling
         Outside the Re-evaluation Counseling

I.1. Offering RC Practices and Insights beyond the
         RC Community

I.2. Activities Outside the RC Community

I.3. Communicating about RC Outside the RC Community

J. Publications

J.1. Editing of and Responsibility for the Publications

J.2. Duplicating and Electronically Distributing RC
         Publications and Other Materials*

J.3. Transcripts and Audio and Video Recordings of RC
         Workshops, Classes, or RC Webinars

J.4. Publications Royalties*

J.5. Translations of Publications

Designation of Translation Coordinators
   Job of the Translation Coordinator
All Co-Counselors Encouraged to Translate, and
         Support Translation
Priorities for Translation
Availability of Translations

J.6 Publishing Translations

J.7. Preserving Confidentiality When Writing
         About Others*

J.8. Use of Pseudonyms/Anonymity by Authors

K. Electronic Communications, the Internet, and

K.1. Internet Safety

K.2. RC Community Websites

The RC Community's Website
   The "New-to-RC" and "What is Re-evaluation Counseling?"

K.3. Local RC Community Websites

K.4. RC Community E-mail Discussion Lists (Listservs)

   Language Liberation
   Posting Links
Forwarding or Copying Postings

K.5. Handling of Personal and Sensitive Data by
         Organizers and Co-Counselors

L. Use of the Guidelines

L.1. Use and Modification of the Guidelines

   Following the Guidelines
Review and Modification

L.2. Application of the Guidelines to the Global
         RC Community

M. Co-Counseling Relationships

M.1. The No-Socializing Policy*

Maintaining a Safe Environment
   Feelings that Interfere
If We Socialize
Responsible Co-Counseling Relationships
If We Persist with Socializing

M.2. Co-Counselors in Organizations Outside of the
         RC Community

M.3. Social Media and Communication Applications

M.4. One-way Counseling

M.5. Handling Oppressor Patterns including Sexual
         Misconduct, and Addressing Mistakes, Disagreements,
         and Criticism

Part A. Handling Oppressor Patterns and Addressing
         Mistakes, Disagreements, and Criticism

Our Commitment
   How to Take Responsibility
Addressing Issues and Concerns
Issues with Leaders and the Community

Part B. Addressing Sexual Misconduct in the RC Community

   Young People
How to Raise a Concern of Sexual Misconduct
The Ad Hoc Complaint Review Committee
The Complaint Resolution Process
Intervening in Sexual Misconduct
No Retaliation
Effective Use of this Guideline

N. Psychiatric Drugs and Re-evaluation Counseling

N.1. Psychiatric Drugs and RC Community Members
(with interim modification February 2024)

N.2. Stopping Psychiatric Drug Use

N.3. Psychiatric Drugs and RC Participation

N.4. Psychiatric Drugs and RC Teachers
(with interim modification February 2024)

O. Disruptions, Attacks and Criticism of RC

O.1. Handling Disruptions in the RC Community

O.2. Handling Attacks in the RC Community*

O.3. Public Criticism of RC from Outside the Community


I. Leaders' Groups

II. Self-Estimation

III. Avoiding National Structures

IV. Reaching Decision

V. Projects Aimed Outside the RC Community

United to End Racism (UER)
   No Limits for Women (No Limits)
Sustaining All Life (SAL)
Jews and Allies United to End Antisemitism

VI. “Counsel the Leader”

VII. Forms

Appendix: Lengthy Reasons

M.3. Electronic Communication (Lengthy Reason)

Use of Social Media
   Not Designed for RC Relationships
Projects Using RC Outside the RC Community

N.1. Psychiatric Drugs and Re-evaluation Counseling
         (Lengthy Reason)

Harm from Drugs
   "Mental Health" and "Mental Illness"
Psychiatric Drugs are not a Solution
Stopping Drugs Safely

Appendix: Forms

Examples of Completed Workshop Expense Forms

Form for Consent for Young Person

Appendix: Required Guidelines


* Guidelines followed by an asterisk (*) have the force of a requirement.

Last modified: 2024-08-23 22:54:41+00