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Fundamentals Teaching Guide Part I, Updates and Readings

The 2020 version of the Fundamentals Teaching Guide is available.  It incorporates all the changes below, as well as including the updates from the 2017 Guidelines, and 3 new topics: Internalized Oppression, Physical Hurts, and Counseling on Sex.  Content throughout has been revised and new readings are referenced. Copies of articles are no longer included; instead all are found online.

You can purchase The Fundamentals Teaching Guide, Part I from Rational Island Publishers.

 Supplement to The Fundamentals Teaching Guide

Listed below are those readings referenced in the Fundamentals Teaching Guide, Part I that are not included in the basic books referenced in the Guide (The Fundamentals Manual, The Human Side of Human Beings, The Human Situation, The RC Community Guidelines, Working Together to End Racism, How to Begin RC, Sustaining All Life, ). 


Topic 4   The Role of the Counselor and the Client

Topic 5   Fundamental Counseling Skills

Topic 6   The Early Roots of Distress Recordings

Topic 7   Counseling Techniques

Topic 8   The Co-Counseling Relationship

Topic 9   Closeness, Rational Needs, and Relationships

Topic 10   Co-Counseling Session Reports

Topic 11   Distresses and the RC Class and RC Community

Topic 12   Thinking, Logic, and Power

Topic 13   Setting Goals 

Topic 14   Self-Appreciation and Not Feeling Bad About Ourselves

Topic 15   Reality

Topic 16    Communication of Important Ideas

Topic 17   Addictions

Topic 18   The Oppressive Society

Topic 19   Liberation From Oppression

Topic 20   Racism

Topic 21   Overview of Some Other Forms of Oppression

Topic 22   Internalized Oppression

Topic 23   Leadership

Topic 24   The Re-Evaluation Counseling Community

Topic 25   Bringing Friends into RC

Topic 26   Learning

Topic 27   RC Literature--Reading and Writing

Topic 28   Care of the Environment

Topic 29   Discouragement and Fighting for Ourselves

Topic 30   Recovering From Physical Hurts

Topic 31   Counseling on Sex and Closeness

Last modified: 2024-08-27 18:21:42+00