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Allies to Immigrants:
It's My Liberation Too!
Sunday, February 16
Cheng Imm Tan


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G.2. Interpreting at Workshops

Interpreting[90] of oral communications is often needed at workshops. Co-Counselors who want to interpret can consult with the leadership of their Community and with the workshop organizer about playing this role. Interpreters are not paid for interpreting at RC workshops. (See Guideline G.1. Workshops—Overview, about sign language interpreting. See also the Guidelines for Interpreting at RC Workshops:

There should be interpreting at RC workshops whenever the workshop leader does not speak the primary language of the people who live where the workshop is happening. When possible, there should be interpreting into all native and/or first languages spoken by the participants.

Interpretation for at least part of a workshop should be offered whenever possible.


RC Communities are international and multilingual. Interpretation is needed so that all the RC Communities can be included in our workshops.

Interpreting is an important part of language liberation[91]. It is a powerful tool for facing and contradicting language oppression—which affects all of us, whether we are the targets or the agents of the oppression. It is also necessary for full inclusion and complete understanding. Interpreting when possible helps us move language liberation forward.

We do not have sufficient funds to pay for interpreting services. Interpreting is one of many volunteer ways people can help make workshops go well. By interpreting, interpreters contribute to their own re-emergence as well as to the growth and development of the Community.


[90] In RC interpreting means orally translating.

[91] Language liberation is the mutual commitment and organized effort shared by members of the RC Communities for creating spaces and modes of communication free from language oppression. We aim to do this in all our interactions with people.


Last modified: 2022-10-09 05:47:07+00