Recent Key Articles from Present Time
A selection of articles from recent issues of our quarterly journal: Present Time, and a table of contents for each issue. These key articles are selected for translation where possible and posted on our translations page. Note audio files do not load when using Safari web browser, use Google Chrome or Firefox to view this page.
Present Time 218
- Fighting Isolation, Tim Jackins
- The Importance of Teaching RC, Diane Shisk
- The Growth of Younger RC Leadership,
Erin Huang-Schaffer - A Climate Change Victory, Lois Yoshishige
- Genocide, Taking on Another Identity, and the “Coming Home” Work, Marcie Rendon
Present Time 217
October 2024
- Accomplishments, Appreciation, Looking Ahead,
Tim Jackins - Building RC in Egypt, Iman Awadh
- Prioritizing Native Liberation,
MaryRuth Gross & Judy Tilsen - What Does It Mean to Be an Ally?
Azi Khalili & Teresa Enrico - Persisting in Reading Present Time
Glenn Johnson-Mussad - Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 216
July 2024
- Working on our Earliest Distresses, Tim Jackins
- Working Toward Unity, Azi Khalili & Teresa Enrico
- An Innovative Workshop on the Climate Emergency,
Pamela Haines - Reinvigorating Family Work, Chuck Esser
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 215
April 2024
- Deciding to Fight Back, Tim Jackins
- No Human Enemies, Azi Khalili
- Coming Home, Fatima in the Diaspora
- Class, Activism, and the Role of the MC, Caroline New
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 214
January 2024
- Leaders, Mistakes, and Discharging Oppressor Patters, Aurora Levins Morales
- Some Thoughts About Discharge in Times of War and Trouble, Barbara Love
- What We Want You to Know, Marci Rendon & Alison Ehara-Brown
- Introduction to Educational Change Work, Marilyn Robb
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 213
October 2023
- Thoughts on Closeness as We Consider Returning to In-Person Sessions, K Webster
- The Climate Crisis in Africa, "W.K."
- The Think-and-Listen, Tim Jackins
- Thoughts on Returning to In person Counseling, Wendy Ganz & K Webster
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 212
July 2023
- Moving Forward in Confusing Time, Tim Jackins
- My Priorities, Diane Shisk
- My History in RC, Marlene Melfor
- Uncoupling Native and Indigenous Liberation from the Work on Racism Targeting Global Majority People, Marcie Rendon
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 211
April 2023
- We Need to Show What's Possible, Tim Jackins
- Africans Speak about Their Lives and the Climate Crisis, report by MacClurg Vivian
- RC and the Climate Emergency, Seán Ruth
- Openly Challenging Our Racism, Tim Jackins
- Staying Engaged in Making Change in Difficult Times, Diane Shisk
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 210
January 2023
- Sustaining All Life at COP27, Janet Kabue
- Flexible Thinking Amidst Uncertainty, Iliria Unzueta
- How Connected Can Humans Be, Tim Jackins
- Discharging on Early Sexual Memories, Joan Karp
- About the World Conference and Our Guidelines, Tim Jackins
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 209
October 2022
- An Overview of the 2022 World Conference, Diane Shisk
- The Alternate International Reference Person, Tim Jackins
- Being Alternate International Reference Person as Me, Teresa Enrico
- Summary of and Context for the Sexual Misconduct Guideline , Tim Jackins & Diane Shisk
- Introducing the Unified Goal on the Climate , Tim Jackins
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 208
July 2022
- What we are trying to do, Tim Jackins
- People under Age Thirty-Five, and Classism, “Kathleen Fitzgerald”
- Talking to Children about Tragic Events, Marya Axner
- The Collapse of Capitalist Societies , Harvey Jackins
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 207
April 2022
- Continuing to Develop RC Leadership, Tim Jackins
- An Economy of Caring, Teresa Enrico
- Five-Year Plans to End the Climate Emergency, Diane Shisk
- Ending Capitalism, Julian Weissglass
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 206
January 2022
- Continuing an Ever-More-Needed Initiative, Tim Jackins
- Discharging on Health-Related Issues, Marsha Saxton
- On Transition, Tim Jackins
- Preparing to Play a Larger Role, Tim Jackins
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 205
October 2021
- The Impact of the Climate Crisis on Indigenous People, Black People and Pacific Islanders, Darlene Daniels, Barbara Love and Teresa Enrico
- We Need This Liberating Tool, Chioma Okonkwa
- RC's Commitment to LGBTQ+ Liberation, Tim Jackins
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 204
July 2021
- Responding to the Continuing Development of the COVID Pandemic, Tim Jackins
- Attacks, the RC Community, and Working to Build a Rational Society, Tim Jackins
- Working on Oppressor Material, Joanne Bray
- Imagine a World Without Violence Against Women, Azi Khalili
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 203
April 2021
- I Choose To Live My Life To The Fullest, Anonymous
- Discharging Patterns of Domination, Tim Jackins
- Hope, Diane Shisk
- Ending White Racism, Dvora Slavin
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 202
January 2021
- Opposing Irrational Policies Together, Tim Jackins
- Parenting During the Pandemic, Anonymous
- About Racism, Janet Kabue
- No Human Enemies, Azi Khalili
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 201
October 2020
Reclaiming My Creative Mind, Marlene Melfor
Coming Back from Exile, Tim Jackins
More Than One Dimension, Harvey Jackins
Present Time 200
July 2020
- An Unprecedented Opportunity, Barbara Love and Tim Jackins
- The Need for Change, Tim Jackins
- The Power of Think and Listens, Pamela Haines
- Teaching a Fundamentals Class Online, Anne Greenwald
- Death and Dying, Life and Living,and COVID, Joan Karp
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 199
April 2020
- Reaching Many People’s Minds, Tim Jackins
- Learning From Workshops in Northern Uganda, Pamela Haines
- A Class on COVID-19, Kathleen Hamilton
- "Sound Bites" on the Climate Crisis, Marcie Rendon
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 198
January 2020
- Staying Focused on Good Things in Life, Janet Foner
- Getting RC ideas out widely while also building the RC Community, Tim Jackins
- The Knowledge and Power of Direct Production Workers, Dan Nickerson
- Language Liberation: A Recipe for Africa's Re-emergence, Onii Nwanwu-Stevenson
- Climate Change is happening to you, Marcie Rendon
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 197
October 2019
- An Emergency, and New Opportunities, Tim Jackins
- "Mental Health" Oppression and Liberation, Janet Foner
- Tips for Leading an Introduction to RC, Mayer and Barbara Love
- Talking to a Young Person about Sex and Pornography, "Anon"
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 196
July 2019
- Completing an Early Triumph, Tim Jackins
- Paying Attention, Harvey Jackins
- Young People, Activism, and Climate Change, Jenny Sazama
- Being Allies to Muslims, Anonymous
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 195
April 2019
- Taking a Needed Initiative,Tim Jackins
- Climate Change Draft Program for the RC Communities (pdf here)
- ILRP's Working Together to End Classism, Dan Nickerson
- Using Texts to Maintain Workshop Connections, Josh Feyen
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 194
January 2019
- Teaching, Leading, Community Building
- Building RC by Bringing in People We Are Close To, Eric Braxton
- Teaching Friends RC, Tresa Elguera
- Supporting One-on-One Teaching, Michael Levy
- Racism, Internalized Racism and Climate Change, Barbara Love
- Bringing Working Class People into RC, Tim Jackins
- Identity, Jeanne D'Arc
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 193
October 2018
Can We Move Now, Tim Jackins
Single Women’s Workshop, Diane Balser
Men Fighting for Themselves, Tim Jackins
Resources on Climate Change, Diane Shisk
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 192
July 2018
- Pushing for Change, Tim Jackins
- We Can Make a Non-Exploitative Society Work, Harvey Jackins
- Revisiting My Childhood, Alfred Oryem
- The Sex Industries and RC, Joan Karp
- Bringing Our Strengths as RCers to the Movement to Stop Climate Change, Diane Shisk
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 191
April 2018
- “What African Americans Want from White Allies”, Dorothy Marcy
- Creating the Conditions, Katie Kauffman
- A New Requirement for RC Teachers, Tim Jackins
- Learning about Climate Change in an RC Class, many
- Thinking and Acting in the Face of Oppression, Jennifer Wexler
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 190
January 2018
- Going Forward Together, Tim Jackins
- The More Meaningful Opportunity, Harvey Jackins
- Embracing the Journey, Danielle Rice
- Working through Differences, Tim Jackins
- The "Training Ground" for All Other Oppressions, Harvey Jackins
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 189
October 2017
- Goals Adopted at the 2017 World Conference, Multiple
- Thinking about drugs and alcohol as a young adult, Anonymous
- Looking at Class, Tim Jackins
- A Young People and Young Adult Strategic Plan, Multiple
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 188
July 2017
- Caring Openly for Each Other, Tim Jackins
- Men, Steve Thompson and others
- Community Building--We Need New Thoughts, Tim Jackins
- Catholics, Joanne Bray
- Protestants, Barbara Boring
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 187
April 2017
- Building Unity Now, Barbara Love and others
- Indigenous People and the Environment, SAL Handout
- The Class Nature of War, Harvey Jackins
- Fighting Fully for Each Other, Tim Jackins
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 186
January 2017
- The Present Conditions and Tasks, by Tim Jackins
- Ten Points of Leadership, by Julian Weissglass
- The Liberation of Working Class Women, by Micaela Morse
- Healing from the Hurts of War, by Shelia Fairon
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 185
October 2016
- Hard Things Happened Long Ago, by Tim Jackins
- Care of the Environment and Ending Racism, by Dan Iocavella
- Our Community Response to Current Events, by Glen Hauer
- The Chronic Patterns of Classism, by Harvey Jackins
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 184
July 2016
- Written Language, Oral Language, and Their Liberation, by Xabi Odriozola Ezeiza (translated into Basque and Spanish)
- Reaching Across the Line Drawn by Racism, by Tim Jackins
- Black Women and Sexism; Sexual Assault, by Alysia Tate
- A Skype Fundamentals Class, by Jenny Sazama
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 183
April 2016
- People Who Struggle to Stay, by Tim Jackins
- Southern Africa Teachers and Leaders, by Bafana Matsebula
- Integrity and Courage, by Harvey Jackins
- Gathering Friends to Look at Climate Change, by Anna Shapley-Quinn
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 182
January 2016
- Thinking about Young People at Community Workshops, by Emily Bloch
- Can Intelligence Take Charge?, by Harvey Jackins
- Following the Lead of Indigenous People, by Marcie Rendon
- Hope!, by Barb Molanus
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 181
October 2015
- Key Issues for Elders, by Pam Geyer
- Más sobre el taller de liberación de Católicos, by Dulce Cisneros
- First Step is to Get in Motion, by Tim Jackins
- Sustaining All Life pamphlet, preface
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 180
July 2015
- Not Settling for Small Gains, by Tim Jackins
- An Economy of Caring, by Teresa Enrico
- Bringing RC to the United Nations Conference on Climate Change, by Diane Shisk
- Taking a Stand Against Psychiatric Drugs, by Anonymous
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 179
April 2015
- No Limits, at the Beijing +20 Women’s Forum, by Diane Balser
- All Human Life is Sacred, by Barbara Love
- RC Muslims: Don’t Go Quiet, by Azi Khalili
- Being “Regular” and Being a Leader, by Teresa Enrico
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 178
January 2015
- Moving Working Class Issues Forward in RC, by Dan Nickerson
- The First RC Muslim Workshop, by Nazish Riaz, Kadija Shaw, Persheng Vaiziri, Leyla Modirzadeh, and Anonymous
- Making RC Accessible to Young People, by Mari Piggott
- Perhaps We Could Do Something Big, by Tim Jackins
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 177
October 2014
- Two Knee Replacements, With Discharge, by Diane Shisk
- An Unworkable Situation, by Lotahn Raz (in English and Hebrew)
- Discharging About and Handling Attacks, by Tim Jackins
- Leading and Learning in El Salvador, by Maria Lorena Cuellar
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 176
July 2014
- To End the Class Society is in Everyone's Interest, by Tim Jackins
- Scorning Fear, by Harvey Jackins
- Teens, Drugs, Oppression, and "Setting Limits", by Marya Axner and others
- The Next Stage of Middle Class Liberation, by Sean Ruth
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 175
April 2014
- Counseling People Who Think about Suicide, by Chris Selig, Tresa Elguera, Aurora Levins Morales, Ela Thier, Emma Roderick, Homi Bilimoria, Emmy Rainwalker, and Diane Shisk
- Racism and our Interpersonal Relationships, by Tim Jackins
- The First LBGTQ Parents Workshop, by Anonymous
- How Would Working-Class Liberation Look if Led by Your Constituency, by Dan Nickerson
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 174
January 2014
- You Might Have to be Happy, by Tim Jackins
- Men Discharging on Pornography, by Dan Nickerson
- White U.S. Southerners, and Racism, by Leslie Kausch
- A Workshop in Rwanda, by Wanjiku Kironyo
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 173
October 2013
- Re-emergence at the World Conference, by Bafana Matsebula
- Mizrachi Jews and the Holocaust, by Merchi Shookroun Lior (in English and Hebrew)
- English Liberation, by M.B.
- The Widespread Effects of Neocolonialism, by Teresa Enrico
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 172
July 2013
- Relationships, by Tim Jackins
- Countering a Child’s Fears with Physical Play, by Patty Wipfler
- School, Education, and Young People’s Oppression, by Mari Piggott
- Ending Racism Toward Asians, by Cheng Imm Tam
- Language Liberation for Native English Speakers, by Xabi Odriozola, Ezeiza
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 171
April 2013
- Thoughts About Dyslexic People, by Jenny Sazama
- Thinking my way Through Breast Cancer, by Becky Shuster
- Alcohol as a Liberation Issue, by David Nijinsky
- Addressing Difficulties in Leadership, by Diane Shisk
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 170
January 2013
- Toward a New Goal on Care of the Environment, Tim Jackins
- You Have to Make up Your Mind, Tim Jackins
- Basic Understandings from the Work on Women’s Liberation, Diane Balser
- Key Issues for Allies Ending the Oppression of Jews, Dorann van Heeswijk
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 169
October 2012
- Figuring Out Fighting for Ourselves, Diane Shisk
- Looking Directly at Internalized Racism, Tim Jackins
- Raised-Poor People at the Center, Gwen Brown
- Young Adults Take Charge, Melanie Uhlmann
- Table of Contents: print version PDF
Present Time 168
July 2012
- Feeling the Pain of Physical Injuries, Tim Jackins
- Facing and Organizing to End Classism and Class Oppression, Seán Ruth
- Preparing for the Transformation of Society, Tim Jackins
- A Call to Action on Climate Change, Madeline Para
- Table of Contents: print version PDF