News flash


Healing the Hurts
of Capitialism
Azi Khalili &
Mike Markovits
Sunday, July 28

What We've Done
Where We're Going
SAL Fundraiser
Sunday, August 18

FREE Stickers

U.S. Election Project

Thoughts on Liberation
new RC eBook


中译文(Chinese Translations)




简体字译文 (Simplified Chinese)

对再评价咨询的介绍 (Introductions)

怎样开始做相互咨询 (How to Begin RC)

目前的目标 (2022 Current Goals)


再评价咨询的方法与实践 (Counseling practice)

宣泄不同于向别人“撒气” (Discharging Not the Same as Clienting at Someone)

帮助女儿从性侵犯遭遇中康复 (A Young Girl Recovers from Sexual Abuse)

犯了错之后 (After Making a Mistake)

“赞同”那个模式 (“Agreeing” with the Pattern)

帮助亲戚面对意外丧亡 (Assisting Relatives with an Unexpected Death)

让爸爸倾听 (Ask Dad to Listen)

迈出完全的自我欣赏的一小步 (Small Steps to Complete Self-Appreciation)

不要苛责伴侣 (Be Less Critical with Spouse)

七岁儿子的倾听 (Comfortable with Discharge)

在孩子面前哭泣 (Cry with Children)

跟随小领导 (Following a Young Leader)

与年轻人相伴终生 (Lifelong Relationships with Young People)

母亲节与再评价咨询 (Mothers' Day, and RC)

回去打赢那场你曾放弃的战斗 (Finishing an Unfinished Battle)

对再评价咨询的介绍 (A Recent Introduction to RC)

情感、爱与性 (Affection, Love, and Sex)

维系并加深友谊 (Preserving and Deepening a Friendship)

处理早期创伤”的又一个好处 (Another Benefit of "Working Early")

支持我们上学的孩子 (Being Allies to Our Children in School)

支持儿子自己决定是否转学 (Backing My Son in a Decision About School)

关于自杀的思考、宣泄和谈论 (Thinking, Discharging and Talking about Suicide)  

建立和維護互助諮商關係 (Building and Taking Care of a Co-Counseling Relationship)    

諮商有關性、性侵犯、性取向等方面的困惑 哈威‧傑肯斯 (Counseling on Sexual Distress/Sexuality/Sexual Abuse/Sexual Preference)

宣泄筋疲力尽的感觉 (Discharging Exhaustion)

在生活中运用RC (Applying RC in My Life)

宣泄尴尬,不要畏惧尴 (Discharge, Don't Respect Embarassment)

满怀着爱,勇敢冲击(孩子的)模式 (Caring Enough to Contradict (a pattern) Courageously)

摆脱抗抑郁药 (Getting Off Antidepressants)

处理性别歧视方面的早期创伤 (Working Early on Sexism)

把控自己的外科手术 (Taking Charge of a Surgery)

摆脱食物上瘾 (Freedom from a Food Addiction)

60年的相互咨询之路 (Sixty Years of Co-Counseling) 

找回歌唱的能力,找回我们自己 (Reclaiming Singing, and Ourselves)

接受孩子的倾听 (Being Counseled by Our Children)

接近焦躁不安的人 (Moving Toward Upset People)


教授RC, 领导和发展团体 (Teaching, leading and community building)

什么是纠正(RC)领导者的最好途径? (What's the best process for correcting leadership?)

如何把RC正确地转用在其他非RC场合? (What is the correct way to naturalize RC?) 

RC触及了锡卡年轻人的内心 (RC Touching the Hearts of Young People in Thika)

教朋友们学习再评价咨询 (Teaching RC to My Friends)

组织者的角色使我增长力量 (Gaining Strength as an Organiser)

我希望你们都成为领导者  (I Want You All to Be Leaders)

有关在RC研习班里使用电子设备的讨论 (Technological Devices at Workshops)


消除压迫 (Liberation)

一位男性眼中的大男子主义 (A Man Looks at Sexism)

正视女性是如何被伤害的 (Facing How Women Have Been Hurt)

阻止对年轻人的压迫行为 (Interrupting Young People's Oppression)

开始认知重要的事情  (Learning Something Important)

男人和母亲:消除性别歧视 (Men and Their Mums: Undoing Sexism)

关于女性解放的基本思考 (Basic Understandings from the Work on women's Liberation)

审视男权统治 (Looking at Male Domination)

短暂置身男权统治之外的感悟(及又一篇 (A Glimpse Outside of Male Domination)

音乐人的解放 (Musicians Liberation)

有关“知之”和“不知”的困扰 (Information Distress)

成功地阻止性别歧视的言行 (Successfully Interrupting Sexism)

做“超重”女性的女性支持者 (A Female Ally to Large Women)

性别歧视及男性所受压迫对做父母的影响 (The Effects of Sexism & Men's Oppression on Parenting) 

澳洲语言解放 (Australian Language Liberation)


改变世界 (Wide World Changing)

让青年男性成为女性的同盟 (Young Adult Males as Allies)

知道该做什么 (Knowing Just What to Do)

当会议上发生相互指责时 (Speaking Up About a Conflict) 

把家政服务员组织起来 (Organizing Domestic Workers)

表达意见 (Speaking Up)

走近母亲 (Getting Close to My Mother)



繁体字译文(Traditional Chinese)

RC針對氣候變遷所採取的倡議 (Taking a Needed Initiative)

關心環境的新目標 (Teaching, Leading, Community Building)

RC與關懷環境 (RC and Care of the Environment)

情感、愛和性 (Affection, Love, and Sex)

終結階級社會是為每個人的利益 (Ending Class Society Is for Everyone's Benefit)

第三代女性議題工作坊的基本原則 (Basics from the Third Contemporary Women's Issues Workshop)

RC 與關懷環境 (RC and Care of the Environment)

完成一場未完結的戰鬥 (Finishing an Unfinished Battle)

對重新評價諮商的介紹 (A Recent Introduction to RC)

審視男權統治 (Examine Male Rule) Present Time, 2011

關心環境的新目標 (A New Goal on Care of the Environment)

二十多年歷史的早期性記憶工作坊 (Over Twenty Years of Early Sexual Memories Workshops)

理性的需求 和「冰凍」的需求 (Rational Needs and Frozen Needs)

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(The Human Side of Human Beings and the Fundamentals Manual)
Paper: $5  ISBN 0-911214-84-4

(The Postulates of Re-evaluation Counseling)
Paper: $2  ISBN 0-913937-27-4

(The Distinctive Characteristics of Re-evaluation Counseling)
Paper: $2  ISBN 0-913937-31-2

(How “Re-evaluation Counseling” Began)
Paper: $2  ISBN 0-885357-42-7

(How to Begin “Re-evaluation Counseling”)
Paper: $1  ISBN 1-58429-042-0

(Listening to Children) by Patty Wipfler
Paper: $7  ISBN 7-301-03872-0

(Family Work) by Patty Wipfler and others
Paper: $4  ISBN 1-58429-093-5

(Co-Counseling For Married Couples)
Paper: $2  ISBN 978-1-58429-131-2

(The Art of Listening)
Paper: $2  ISBN 978-1-58429-155-8

(The Key Concepts and Insights of Re-Evaluation Counseling To Date)
Paper: $2  ISBN 978-1-58429-132-9

(Counseling on Early Sexual Memories) by Joan Karp
Paper: $3  ISBN 978-1-58429-154-1

(The Liberation of Men, Abridged Edition)
by John Irwin, Harvey Jackins, and Charlie Kreiner
Paper: $3  ISBN 978-1-58429-159-6

(Competition—An Inhuman Activity)
by Perry Saidman
Paper: $2 ISBN 978-1-58429-178-7

维护 所有的 生命
(Sustaining All Life)
Paper: $3 ISBN 978-1-58429-184-8

You may order these from our online store: Rational Island Publishers or Pingjun Chen <>

Last modified: 2023-04-15 09:24:12+00