Privacy Statement for
Re-evaluation Counseling Websites

Re-evaluation Counseling (RC) maintains a website,, to service the RC Community. This privacy policy statement will help you to understand what data we collect and maintain. If you have further questions after reading this statement, email

Data we store

The website stores the following data, which includes sensitive and private data:

  1. Log in visits to the website, including IP addresses:
    These logs are for technical and statistical use only and detail records will be deleted after 6 months. Logs are stored separately and not connected nor linked with any other personal data available within the website.
  2. Member accounts:
    The credentials to access non-public parts of the website. Data within these accounts are limited to those required for functionality of the website: email address, time zone, language, reference person, authorizations.
  3. Subscriptions:
    Members can have subscriptions to journals and other parts of the website(s). Subscription administration is connected to member accounts.
  4. Application forms:
    RC organizes events. Applicants to these events send their personal data via the website to the organizers of these events. These records are maintained within the website until at most a year after the event, then deleted or stripped of everything except name.

Data protection

RC will take reasonable technical, organizational, and legal measures to prevent the abuse, leakage, or unauthorized access or editing of your personal data. The data within the website confirms to GDPR (a European Union regulation that is more strict and protective than US laws).

Limiting data retention time is an important part of mitigation of the risks of unauthorized use or access to sensitive data. Workshop application records are subject to automatic erasure.

4 Data sharing

RC will not share any private data records for profit or for scientific/historic research with any other organization, nor any government, without legal requirement. Limiting data retention time mitigates the legal risks.

RC Communities using the RC website and their organizers of events may share:

  1. Address lists with venues for emergency and legal purposes.
  2. Dietary needs with people providing food services.

Any of these 3rd parties we provide such data will sign an agreement to keep the data private and secure and erase the data as soon as achievable/workable.

Organizers are required to:

  1. encrypt and password protect any sensitive data stored outside our website,
  2. erase any such sensitive data as soon as possible.

Use of data

RC Community members and participants of events allow RC and RC Community leaders and organizers to use any personal (and possibly sensitive) data that they submit to the website via applications forms within the context of the respective events or subscriptions, as detailed in this policy.

RC Community members can at any time request records to be changed or removed. Removal is only possible after an event has taken place, or when withdrawing from such event.

Retrieving Data

Anyone can retrieve their personal data stored in by using a public secure procedure

For removal of or making changes to stored data, first contact the organizer of that RC event. If that does not work, next email for help.


Last modified: 2024-01-25 18:54:54+00