United to End Racism (UER) at the "Movement Beyond Borders," May 1-4, 2003

The U.S. NGO conference, "Movement Beyond Borders," a follow-up to the United Nations World Conference Against Racism, was held May 1-4, 2003. There were many good workshops and support-group-like gatherings, several plenary sessions, some controversy and struggle, and an evening public gathering on racism and war.

Thirty Co-Counselors from United to End Racism (UER) attended the Beyond Borders conference and helped it to go well and have a hopeful tone. One UER delegate was on the organizing committee. Another helped plan the Youth Summit, and several UER delegates introduced mini-sessions and the theory of RC for the summit. UER delegates had leadership roles in conference workshops and other activities, and in many informal situations helped people build relationships across racial lines and within their own groups.

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00