From the Editor
Present Time No. 107 (Vol. 29 No. 2)

Welcome to the 107th issue of Present Time. It includes: some excellent poems; articles in Norwegian, Dutch, Swedish, and Spanish; enlightening information about Germans, Scots, and Canadians; articles written from new angles about Native liberation, Asian liberation, ending racism, disability liberation (the difference between illness and disability), and people "targeted for destruction by society." You won't miss the ads for the revised edition of The List. Take this opportunity to order your copy now.

Keep sending in your poems and artwork! Articles, poems, photos, and drawings for the July Present Time need to reach us by June 2nd. Workshop announcements and changes to the lists must be in by June 9th. (If you send in photos or drawings, it's best for us if we don't have to return them. You may want to make a copy of them before sending them in.)

Lisa Kauffman
719 Second Avenue North
Seattle, Washington 98109, USA

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00