Changes Made In The Guidelines by The 1993 World Conference

A new 1994 version of The Guidelines will be issued in a pamphlet form soon. The following shows in highlighted type the changes from the previous edition that were adopted by the World Conference of November, 1993


(no change in first three paragraphs)

That the International Reference Person and Alternate In-ter-national Reference Person undertake self-estimation** in the presence of the World Conference for a review of the func-tioning of the International leadership and be confirmed or replaced by the meeting in their jobs.


(no change in first two paragraphs)

That the Area Reference Person be chosen by the Area in agreement with the International Reference Person (in consul-tation with the Regional Reference Person where one has been designated). That the Alternate Area Reference Person be chosen by the Area Reference Person and the Area, in agree-ment with the International Reference Person (and the Re-gional Reference Person where one has been designated). That these choices be made, if possible, at a meeting of re-spon-sible people of the Area at which the International Reference Person or representative is present, and if this is not possible, through the widest possible consultation between the Regional Reference Person (where one has been designated), teachers and other active leaders of the Area, and the International Reference Person or representative.


(no change in first five paragraphs)

A Regional Reference Person is appointed by and is respon-sible to the International Reference Person and acts pri-marily as the International Reference Person's deputy in the area of developing and supporting leadership, holding the position at the discretion of the International Reference Person in consultation with the leaders of the Region.


That whenever a substantial number of Co-Counselors with an important commonality around liberation, occupation, or interest issues have appeared within the Community, the International Reference Person may appoint as his or her deputy for that constituency an International Liberation Reference Person. This International Liberation Reference Person shall represent his or her constituency's interests in the International leadership of the Communities and shall be the International Reference Person's deputy leader of this constituency, holding the position at the discretion of the International Reference Person in consultation with the City- or Region-wide Coordinators, helping to propose and develop liberation policies, publications, workshops and conferences for that constituency's particular interests both within the RC Communities and in the wide world. He or she, in consultation with the International Reference Person and the Regional leaders of each Region, shall work to establish a network of City- or Region-wide Coordinators, support groups and leaders' groups (Wygelian type*) of constituents throughout the country where a substantial number of his or her constituents reside. Such liberation leaders shall consult with and cooperate with the regular geographical leadership at every level.


While every leader must take responsibility for her or his own re-emergence, that from a different perspective, every non-temporary group of Co-Counselors in our Communities is encouraged to take responsibility for the counseling and re-emergence of its leader.


(no change in first two paragraphs)

The attainment of these goals requires considerable time. Com-munity members benefit from continued participation in class. These goals have been found to be central in the process of human re-emergence. (was listed before under "reason")

That our goal in classes is to bring together as great a variety of people of different backgrounds as possible (unless the topic of the class is itself self-limiting), as a practical step toward the unity of all humankind, rather than bringing together only people who are easily comfortable and familiar with each other.

That meeting places for classes be accessible and comfortable for people with various disabilities (for example, that they be wheelchair accessible for people with mobility disabilities, that they have microphone loop systems or sign language interpreters for people with hearing difficulties, that there be support persons assigned for people with vision difficulties, etc., etc.).

That such accessibility become a requirement for our classes, and where such locations are not available, that the Communities take the initiative in making them so accessible, conferring with the people in charge of the location and making contributions of money and physical labor necessary to achieve such results.

That this be our goal and our standard, rather than settling for any limited accessibility.


Our classes benefit from having all varieties of people. They need to offer a broad vista for human living.


(The change is in the title and numbering of this proposal. It used to be #37. Now it is #24. There is re-numbering from #25 to #37.)


That workshops be organized on International, Regional, Area, and Class levels. That teachers encourage students to attend workshops at the level for which they are ready.

That our goal in workshops is to bring together as great a variety of people of different backgrounds as possible (unless the topic of the workshop is itself self-limiting), as a practical step toward the unity of all humankind, rather than bringing together only people who are easily comfortable and familiar with each other.

That there be one free place for young people for every twenty fee-paying adults.

That meeting places for workshops be accessible and comfortable for people with various disabilities (for example, that they be wheelchair accessible for people with mobility disabilities, that they have microphone loop systems or sign language interpreters for people with hearing difficulties, that there be support persons assigned for people with vision difficulties, etc., etc.).

That such accessibility become a requirement for our workshops, and where such locations are not available, that the Communities take the initiative in making them so accessible, conferring with the people in charge of the location and making contributions of money and physical labor necessary to achieve such results.

That this be our goal and our standard rather than settling for any limited accessibility.


The workshop format has proven very effective for the growth of both individuals and Communities.

Our workshops benefit from having all varieties of people. They need to offer a broad vista for human living.


(no change in the text of the proposal)


This is a convenient, unrestimulative collection point for the Community's necessary outreach funds. It will allow fair adjustment of compensation to the leader and organizer for handling larger workshops and give support to Outreach and publications.


(no change in the text of the proposal)


This is a convenient, unrestimulative collection point for the Community's necessary outreach funds.


That workshops organized on an Area or class level shall divide income over expenses (the term "expenses" to include the basic fees agreed on for the leader and for the organizer of the workshop) between the leader and the Community Ser-vice Fund of Personal Counselors Inc. one-quarter to the lead-er and three-quarters to the Community Service Fund of Personal Counselors Inc. Three-tenths of this three-quarters shall be used for servicing the Community and for International Outreach. Seven-tenths of these amounts (the three-quarters of net income ) may be withdrawn for local outreach purposes on signed, approved applications by the Area Reference Person (or designated teacher in an unorganized Area) to the Community Service Fund of Personal Counselors Inc. (Checks should be made out to Personal Counselors, Inc.) This proposal has the force of a requirement.


This is a convenient, unrestimulative collection point for the Community's necessary outreach funds. It will allow fair adjustment of compensation to the leader and organizer for handling larger workshops and give support to Outreach and publications.


Contributions to Area Outreach Funds (the seven-tenths of twenty-five percent, or 17.5% of gross income) in countries other than the United States may be sent to Personal Counselors Inc. or may be kept in the country of origin and accounted for there to the Community.


That the Community raise and disburse funds for the primary purpose of outreach to new populations not yet involved in Re-eval-uation Counseling. These funds may also be used for the purpose of equalizing to some extent the opportunities available to people whose inherent situations make it necessary to have assistance for full participation in Re-evaluation Counseling activities. That we keep these outreach funds both in the Re-evaluation Foundation, where their collection and disbursement meets the charitable and educational purposes of the Foundation's articles of incorporation, and in the Community Service Fund of Personal Counselors Inc., where matters of organizational support and expense are involved.

That we encourage voluntary donations to the Re-evaluation Foundation by all Co-Counselors and their contacts. That we ask International and Area Reference Persons to make recommendations to the Re-evaluation Foundation for opportunities for them to make grants within the charitable and educational purposes of the Foundation.

That the Community Service Fund of Personal Counselors Inc. agrees to hold 70% of the contributions from the class and workshop net incomes from a particular Area for organizational outreach purposes of that particular Area.

Since Personal Counselors Inc. must legally handle the Outreach funds both of the individual Area Communities or incipient Communities and of the International Community as if they are income to, and expenses of, Personal Counselors Inc. itself and therefore legally must and does pay federal income tax on any such receipts as exceed the expenditures for any year, Personal Counselors Inc. is authorized to deduct from the individual Area (or incipient Area) Outreach funds kept in the Community Service Fund whatever income tax will be levied by the U.S. government on the amount of increase in these local funds for a given year.


That editors, contributing editors and editorial boards be developed for all regular RC publications as quickly as theoretical, policy and editorial competence can be attained by the necessary persons; provided, however, that overall responsibility for publications and their theoretical correctness on the Area level shall remain with the Area Reference Person, and for all publications on the International and Regional level, with the International Reference Person. Responsibility for temporary Regional publications may be delegated by the International Reference Person to a Regional Reference Person or a temporarily appointed Regional Editor.

Translation Coordinators may be designated to promote and oversee translations of RC theory. This shall take place when sound leadership with a good understanding of the theory has evolved within the group of Co-Counselors speaking the particular language. This person should be chosen, after consultation, by the International Reference Person.

The Translation Coordinator's job is to l) designate the order of translation and of publication of the literature that is to be translated; 2) oversee the work of putting together a glossary of the most important RC words and phrases for that language (to be periodically revised); 3) keep a list of finished translations and of translations in progress.

All bi-lingual Co-Counselors should be encouraged to help with translations.

A priority list of documents to be translated and the order in which they should be translated should be prepared by the International Reference Person.


We need a growing force of editors and consistency with theory and policy in all publications.

Our goal with translations is to disseminate knowledge of RC theory and practice among all the people of the world, and to do this accurately and with full respect for both the authors and the translators. To do this rapidly, we need to involve as many Co-Counselors with translation skills as possible.


That the Co-Counseling relationship be recognized as a unique opportunity to move toward total re-emergence of the human.

That members of the Re-evaluation Counseling Communities socialize with people outside the Re-evaluation Counseling Community (unless they were social companions before they became interested in Re-evaluation Counseling) as a gen-eral rule. That any get-togethers that do take place between members of the Re-evaluation Counseling Community be organized with a re-emergent purpose, so that the people are together primarily for discharge, for re-evaluation and for group counseling activity, with any food or entertainment being only supportive of this main purpose.

That people who have learned to Co-Counsel and ask to become members of the Re-evaluation Counseling Community be told that to be members of the Community requires that they agree to the "No-Socializing" Principle as outlined above and agree to respect it. That any Co-Counselor or leader who does not respect the no-socializing agreement and persists in violating it be clearly told that they are thereby disqualifying themselves from being current, and possibly future, leaders and teachers by this. That Co-Counselors not be recommended for leadership or certified as teachers unless they have made plain their acceptance of the no-socializing agreement.


(no change in first five paragraphs)

Because of the mistreatment people endure in their lives before they become Co-Counselors, many people enter counseling with great "frozen needs" for companionship, for love, for cooperation, for commitment from others. (We use the term "frozen need" to describe needs that are part of distress patterns which were installed in the past but which feel as if they are real present needs to their victims when they are restimulated.)

These "needs" cannot be filled but only discharged. Co-Counselors in the process of acting like supportive counselors to each other will often tend to seem to be the "answer" to all the needs of the past because of the thoughtfulness which we learn to extend to each other. This attraction will often take the form of romantic feelings, sexual feelings, or the desire to "spend time with each other," but the person can often also appear as the perfect business partner, "the mother or father I never had," etc. It is not that Co-Counselors should not or must not love each other. Basically all people inherently love all other people, and almost everyone comes to love their Co-Counselors very naturally and properly. That is no problem.

If a "socializing relationship" is entered into however, even if the patterns of both parties are equally enthusiastic, it will eventually spoil the Co-Counseling relationship, which relationship is by far the most important support that they can give each other.

If a Co-Counselor persists in pursuing a social or any other non-Co-Counselor relationship with someone that he or she first met through the Co-Counseling connection, even after every reasonable effort has been made to assist the person in reaching a rational position, the Community is no longer obligated to provide its resources to that individual.

Co-Counselors cannot become or remain leaders or teachers in the Community unless they can model this amount of responsibility for others.


Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00