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Decide to Lead

Dear Julian,* 

Last Saturday I met with my continuing RC class. I have told them that I have decided to see them all as leaders, regardless of how they define themselves. As I prepared for the class, I realized that since these women had joined RC only four years ago, they had never seen your Ten Points of Leadership. So I printed them up. I planned for us to read all ten of them and then to go back and work on each one separately. We never got past the first point, “Decide to Lead.” Having read it, we tried to go on to number two, but there was obvious confusion. I realized it was from restimulation about “deciding” to lead.

We went back to point number one and went for discharge. It was a wonderful session. The five of us worked on deciding to lead, on making a decision. The discharge was deep.

I want to remember that in teaching RC we need to go back to things we’ve done in the past in order to give newer Co-Counselors access to the support that we who have been in RC longer have had from you and others as our leaders. It was so important and revealing to do so during this session.

Did your Ten Points of Leadership ever get printed anywhere? I think they are important and would make a big difference to a lot of people. Those of us who have seen them and worked on them in the past need to take another look at them every now and then. I know I had a great session.

As I renew my decision to lead, I am thinking of all of you who have made that decision—over and over again. It seems the only way to move forward.

Margie Doyle Papadopoulou

Kantza, Greece

Reprinted from the RC e-mail discussion list for leaders of wide world change

(Present Time 186, January 2017)

* Julian Weissglass, the International Commonality Reference Person for Wide World Change

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00