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Bringing Our Tools to COP22 in Morocco

Sustaining All Life* was accredited by the United Nations as a non-governmental organization (NGO). This gives us “observer status” at the COP22 climate talks in Marrakech, Morocco. The climate talks this year will focus on implementing the Paris Accord and empowering developing countries. 

As we did at COP21 in Paris, France, our delegation will hold workshops, forums, listening projects, caucuses, and more, to communicate what we know about ending oppression as a vital part of addressing climate change. We will lead “brainstorming sessions,” to bring people with similar interests together to share their thinking on different strategies to combat and handle climate change.

More details on our plans, including flyers for our events, can be found at our website: <>.

You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter <@SustainingLife1>.

Your help in fundraising for this effort is needed and much appreciated. We have many ideas for fundraising on our website, including a fundraising page <> with photos of SAL at COP21, a narrated slide show of our activities there, and a PayPal button for making direct contributions.

Diane Shisk

Seattle, Washington, USA

(Present Time 185, October 2016)

* Sustaining All Life is a project of the RC Communities in which Co-Counselors bring what we’ve learned in RC to people working to stop climate change, the degradation of the environment, and environmental injustice.

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00