A Great Web of Falsehood

This great web of falsehood, of unreality, has covered not only our heads but everything about us deeply. Underneath this thick layer of nonsense, of course, reality still persists. It is a good universe. It’s full of marvelous things to enjoy and learn about. It is very eager to be taken care of and managed well by our intelligences.

These strange-looking creatures around us, wearing these patterned masks and behaving so badly and so unhappily, are really wonderful human beings in disguise. This society, which acts so powerful and threatens death to anyone who does not submit, is a ridiculous house of cards* that can be blown away with one strong breath (and even if we haven’t blown strongly at it lately, is still collapsing under its own difficulties).

Harvey Jackins
From A Better World, page 10

Last modified: 2019-05-02 14:41:35+00