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Relationships with
Health Care Workers
Saturday, February 1
Sunday, February 2
Anne Greenwald


“I Learnt a Lot”

I live in Ghana, in West Africa. I am twenty-one years of age and a student. I want to tell you about my experience at the Re-evaluation Counselling Young Adult Workshop that took place on the twenty-sixth of April, 2014, in Ghana.

It wasn’t what I expected at all. Quite the contrary—it was better than I expected! I’m not the type of person who communicates a lot with people and likes to be surrounded by them, so when I heard of the workshop I didn’t like the idea—especially when I heard it was a counselling thing. I thought it was going to be boring and nothing to talk about. But boy,* I was wrong. It was extraordinary.

When I first walked into the workshop, I felt insecure and paranoid. My nerves were shaking. After I introduced myself, I felt like running out of the room and going home. But after hearing what Re-evaluation Counselling (RC) was, I really and sincerely wanted to be there.

I learnt a lot that day—like how the brain is a clean and empty space but we end up making it a dirty and piled-up place because we do not like to share our problems with anybody. I learnt that a problem shared is a problem half solved. Even if you share your problem and it is still not solved, at least a burden will be lifted off your shoulders. I also learnt that I am not the only one with problems. And I learnt how to listen. I learnt that when counselling you don’t have to interrupt the person, give advice, tell the person your opinion, or tell your own story. I learnt that I should listen with respect, always sound and act pleased with the person, encourage him or her to keep talking, and honor confidentiality.

I was told that the RC program is for people who want to improve their thinking and have goals they want to accomplish in life. I have started wanting to achieve the goals I placed aside because I thought I had a “problem.” I have improved my thinking and am ready to help other people improve theirs.

For the first time, I feel secure in a room full of people. I am not thinking about what they think of me or wondering if they are insulting me or if they like me. Now I move freely and feel less distress each and every day. I am taking one day at a time, fixing my mistakes, and actually thinking that my mistakes are just chances I have taken in life. In other words, I have laid down my regrets and feel less stress every day. I am happy, thanks to this workshop program.

Carol Winnietaylor Naa Morkor Hanson
Accra, Ghana

* “Boy” is an interjection that expresses intense feeling.

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00