News flash


Climate Crisis
in Africa
Janet Kabue
Saturday, September 28

State of LGBTQ+ Liberation
"Jeanne D'arc" &
"David Nijinsky"
Saturday, September 28
Sunday, September 29

FREE Stickers

Elected Officials Panel

Thoughts on Liberation
new RC eBook



I first met Harvey at a workshop in the late 1980s. I'd had a visual image of him from a small black-and-white photo on the back of some RC literature. When I saw him, he looked exactly like his picture. I don't know how many years had passed since the original photo, but I admired him for keeping true to himself in his look and attire. He wore jeans, a simple cotton shirt, and beads. I think he created a sense of safety by his dress and modeled not conforming to superficial trends.

Janice Jones
Los Angeles, California, USA
(Excerpted from the newsletter of the Central/West Los Angeles RC Community)


Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00