Movements and Policies 

Eric Braxton has a great article in the April 2019 Present Time on movement building and policies. [See “Climate Change, Capitalism, Movement Building, and RC” on page 26, or go to <>.] He points out that policy changes, without the strength of a movement behind them, don’t move things forward very well.

That made me think about how good policies can be changed or removed when a new government comes into power. For example, Australia had some good agricultural climate-change-mitigation policies that were removed when a conservative government was elected.

Seeing good policies reversed has been hard for me. Eric’s article was a great reminder that even good policies are not much good without a mass movement behind them.

Eric Toensmeier

Holyoke, Massachusetts, USA

Reprinted from the RC e-mail discussion
 list for leaders in the care of the environment

(Present Time 199, April 2020)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00