Persistent Attention to the Literature

From the beginning, the importance of reading the literature should be stressed. Every class meeting (and every meeting of any sort in the Community) should always have an ample stock of all RC literature on display. . . . Literature goes on educating and informing in between classes. It will do a great deal of the informing that the teacher otherwise will be tempted to try to do by exhorting or talking too much.

The teacher should offer not only a selection of literature that she “thinks the students will be interested in” but should include at least samples of non-English publications and all the special newsletters [journals]. It may be, for example, that there is not a disabled person in the class itself, but the Complete Elegance newsletter nevertheless well may strike a real spark of interest in some members of the class. Similarly for Pensamientos, Black Re-emergence, Our Asian Inheritance, Sisters, Well-Being, Seeds and Crystals, Young and Powerful, Classroom, The RC Teacher, Ruah Hadashah, Working for a Living, and so on.

A different piece of literature can be emphasized and featured in each class meeting. Alternately, a quick review of an important piece of literature can be a feature of each class with each student having a turn at being reviewer.

Harvey Jackins

From page 211 of “A Fresh Look at the Fundamentals
of Co-Counseling Classes,” in The Upward Trend

Last modified: 2019-07-17 23:32:38+00