Get Your Back Issues of The Caring Parent Journal

Dear parents, allies to parents, family work leaders, allies to young people, and RC teachers,

I recently ordered the six back issues of The Caring Parent journal, to have them to look over while I edited a new issue of the journal.

In looking through them, I realized what a gold mine they are. They include so much of the pioneering thinking and work done in RC on combating parents’ oppression and giving young people counseling. (Since there isn’t a separate journal for family work, articles on counseling young people appear in The Caring Parent.)

These issues contain liberation policy statements, commitments, and personal stories. And of course there are photos, drawings, and poems.

The folks at Rational Island Publishers have put together a limited number of packets of these six issues of The Caring Parent—for a special price of $12 USD. (They’d be $16 if purchased individually.) Order at

The content of these journals is not on the RC website. And the inventory of early issues of RC journals is being reduced at the Rational Island Publishers warehouse. Yikes! Order now to get this information.

As a parent, grandparent, and family work leader, I want us to have the ideas, contradictions [to distress], and inspiration that come with reading what others have figured out. And I want us to spread them.

The information is still fresh, and we won’t have a new issue of The Caring Parent very soon. If you never purchased these issues, or purchased them years ago and have no idea where they are, order a set now. Be sure they are available in your Community!

Lydia Vernon-Jones

Editor of The Caring Parent

(Present Time 192, July 2018)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00