Why Is RC Important to You?

At a recent teachers’ and leaders’ workshop in Sydney, Australia, Lynda Wightman began a class on Community building by asking us to have a session on why RC is important to us. Here are some answers people shared in the round following the session:

  • I get to feel deeply in love with people, lots of people, and it’s safe and without obligation.
  • It juices my brain up so I can use it more effectively.
  • It clears the way to connect with other humans and creates space in my brain for thinking.
  • It has allowed me, and those I counsel with, to regain power. That’s a key to making the world fairer.
  • It makes it possible for me to have a better life and help others to do the same.
  • It helped me get off drugs and have the life I always wanted.
  • I was looking for and found an explanation for how the world works and how I could be involved in making it fairer.
  • It has given me a sense of having a place in the world, of being accepted. It’s also supported my parenting, my trust in my thinking, and my artistic practice.
  • I would be up to my eyeballs in painkillers and alcohol if I hadn’t found RC. It’s also given me a strong understanding of oppression and, more important, what to do about it.
  • It has helped me get myself back, have my mind fully, and be able to speak up.
  • It’s helped me make sense of what’s happening in the world.
  • It’s been such a relief to have an explanation for what’s going on [happening]. That allows me to keep my humanity. I get to have myself and other people, more and more.
  • I can work slowly at getting close to other men.
  • I can see why I love people.
  • When I don’t have sessions, I don’t sleep. When I don’t sleep, I don’t do much at all. It’s been a revelation how oppression is installed and how to uninstall it.
  • I love RC because it enabled me to connect with my spirit when I thought it had been killed off because of my abusive childhood. In my teen years, I felt dead. In RC I got enough discharge that my inner sparkle and zest could develop. At workshop creativity nights I’ve taken opportunities to be out front and show myself. I now delight in showing myself.
  • Listening was always important and interesting to me as a child surrounded by a large family. When a friend first told me about RC, the word “healing” was added—“listening as a form of healing.” This phrase connected that common, taken-for-granted human activity with the powerful transformative idea of actually helping others. It meant that I could no longer see myself as a quiet, small member of a large family group. Rather I saw myself as a primed and ready member of the world community, bringing people out from the shadows into the fullness of their lives. Re-evaluation Counseling is allowing me to lift my eyes to a wider horizon and to have broader influence in the world around me—not through force or straining but by being myself more deeply (after discharge).
  • While I was learning RC fundamentals in China, I got to know my future husband. We liked each other, but he wanted to stop the conversation because he didn’t want to have children. I had big sessions on that. Then I decided we could just be friends. We continued our conversation. After I had more sessions, I was able to think through and solve the problems. We got married. Then I came to live with him in Australia. I also convinced him to learn RC, and he did this before our children were born. Since then we’ve been an RC family, with the whole RC Community supporting us.

Comments collected by Kit Shepherd

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia


Last modified: 2019-05-02 14:41:35+00