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Present Time
January 2025
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Listen to a Sample RC Teacher Update CD

Here are two ways you can listen, for free, to RC Teacher Update 39, You Can’t Lose Now:

1. You can follow this link:

You will arrive at a Dropbox shared folder. (You may be prompted to “sign into” and/or “create” a Dropbox. You do not have to have a Dropbox account to access this RC Teacher Update. Just look for the bypass sign/link.)

When you get to the folder for RC Teacher Update 39, you will find nine files. One is a copyright warning, four are audio files at regular speed, and four are the same four files at a slightly slower speed, for comprehension assistance.

You can listen to the files immediately at the Dropbox site. However, we recommend that you download them to your computing device by clicking on the blue “Download” button in the upper-right corner of the window. You will have a choice of downloading all the files as a .zip file or saving them to your Dropbox account (if you have one). 

The files are in an MP3 format, so you can put them wherever you store music files and listen to them with the player of your choice. Because the MP3 format is almost universal, if you get stuck you can probably just click on the file and trigger some method of listening.

2. You can use your mobile device to scan the QR code in the print version of Present Time.

If you find the talk useful, you can subscribe to the ongoing series of RC Teacher Update CDs or order any of the currently existing ones. (You don’t have to be an RC teacher.) Click here for more information.

Good luck, and happy listening! Please e-mail us at if you have any questions.

Diane Shisk and Tim Jackins

(Present Time 184, July 2016)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00