I met Harvey in Bangkok, Thailand in April, 1984. He led a three-day workshop for me, another person who was trying to start RC in Southeast Asia, and a long-established leader in Tasmania. The meeting was life-changing.

When we picked Harvey up in the taxi, at 11:30 PM, he turned to me and said, "Let's get started: 'From this moment on, the real me, and that means. . . .'" I dutifully said the direction and imagined the real me (or thought I did). Without missing a beat, Harvey said, "Now say it in your real voice."

Surprised, I repeated the direction. The voice that came out was an octave lower than my original try. I reclaimed my voice that evening and now only return to higher octaves when acting on top of fear.

Harvey, who had never met me, heard me. Many of us women speak in voices higher than is natural for our vocal tracts. Harvey contradicted my terror gently at first and got more forceful as he learned more about me. He held out for me that I could be completely myself.

I loved him deeply and respected him enormously.

Sharon Read Veach
Mountain View, California, USA

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00