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Allies to Immigrants:
It's My Liberation Too!
Sunday, February 16
Cheng Imm Tan

The Joy of Reading
Sunday, February 22
Marilyn Robb


January 2025
Present Time
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Note, we're still developing this part of the site.  For now, application will be manual. Please email


Steps in the Application Process

Online class membership is reserved for people who have no other possible means of participating in a class and who have never learned RC. If you are interested in joining the Online Class, here's how to proceed:

Step One: Fill Out the Contact Form

Before you apply for the online class, please first fill out the contact request form on this website (see link below). Someone will let you know within a week or two whether there is a certified RC Teacher near you and, if so, how to contact him or her.

Contact form

Step Two: Class Application

If you are advised that there is no teacher near you, you will fill out an application form for the online class (see link below).  Email that information to Dvora Slavin (the  online class Reference Person) at  She will verify that there is no local opportunity for an RC class. Again, please allow a week or two for Dvora to respond to your application.


Step Three: Class Approval and Payment

After reviewing your application, Dvora will email you to inform you whether your class application has been approved. If approved, you will need to order and pay for your class membership and materials. Dvora will provide additional details in your class acceptance email about how to order and pay for these items.

Materials are ordered from and supplied by our publishing company, Rational Island Publishers, Inc.  Cash, check or credit cards are accepted.  Rational Island typically ships within 1-2 business days after receipt of order.

Link to Rational Island Publishers

Step Four:  Class Begins

Once you have paid for your class materials, you will be emailed the instructions for accessing the online class on the RC website. Congratulations and welcome to the online class!



Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00