News flash



“Would a Society Without Oppression
Need Artificial Intelligence"

led by Frank van den Heuvel

Sunday, May 12: 12 - 3pm PDT

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The first time I met Harvey was in 1989. I was nineteen years old. He came to Italy and led a Regional workshop attended by about twenty people. In retrospect, I'm surprised at the energy he put into such a small group of "foreign" people.

I had little experience in RC (about two years), and my English was poor. I was touched by Harvey's intelligence, simplicity, clarity, great knowledge of human beings, and trust in other people's intelligence. I studied him throughout the workshop and wanted to get close to him. I think we talked a little during dinner, and I realised he was interested in me!

After some time he called me by telephone, and I was so excited. He really was interested in me. He really did want to know me better. He gave me a good session and invited me to call him collect any time I wanted.

The gift Harvey gave me was to recognise me-to recognise my intelligence and my ability to discharge and help other people discharge. He was fundamental in my growing up with trust in myself, with courage and strength. He helped me develop my talent as a leader and communicator and world changer.

I will never forget him. I love him and respect him very much.

Ilaria Zanesi
Milan, Italy

Last modified: 2015-07-17 00:26:30+00