United To End Racism Workshops

NGO Forum

United Nations World Conference Against Racism

Healing the Damage Caused by Racism

Freeing ourselves from the hurts we carry from experiences of racism. Participants will be introduced to methods of using each other in pairs to overcome the mental and emotional harm done by racism.


28 August 13h00-15h00 UNISA Seminar room Barbara Love

29 August 11h00-13h00UNISA Seminar room Marcie Rendon

30 August 11h00-13h00 UNISA Seminar Room Kerrie Tim

31 August 11h00-13h00 UNISA Seminar Room Rudy Nickens

1 September 11h00-13h00 UNISA Seminar Room Waveney Richards

Racism Compounded by Sexism

Participants will explore ways of healing from the particular hurts resulting from racism with sexism through working in pairs to share our stories. This strengthens women in our relationships with each other and makes us more powerful in challenging oppression. Njoki Kamau/Diane Balser

UNISA 3 1 September 9h00-11h00

UER will also offer other workshops related to important topics of the NGO Forum as well as support groups throughout the week of the NGO Forum.

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00