Allies of Young People

I am the new Information Coordinator for allies of young people. All kinds of people are doing work in support of young people's liberation, both in and out of RC, and it seems like it would be helpful to many of us to begin to accumulate our experiences and thinking and make some kind of newsletter available.

I am interested in putting together some kind of comprehensive body of information that reflects the experiences of all the different people who function as allies of young people. In particular, I would like to hear from parents, educators, social workers, child-care workers -- anyone who takes any role as an ally. Obviously, I want to include those of us who are allies within family work and young people's RC, but, so far, these have been the groups that have more easily identified ourselves as allies. There are many people who do all kinds of things with young people who don't ever think of themselves as allies to a particular liberation. There's both a lot to learn from them and a lot of potential for organizing more concerted activity.

It is important to me that we not only explore the in's and out's of being an ally, but also the effect that this work has on us personally. Having been involved in family work for several years, it has always been clear to me that this work constantly improves my own life and presents me with new challenges. At some point in the future I plan to write down what I know about being an ally to young people's liberation in the form of a draft liberation policy statement as a means for directly addressing our concerns.

For the past eight years, I have worked with younger young people and teenagers, both in and outside of RC. Before moving to Philadelphia, I worked at a child welfare agency in Toronto. Currently, I am the head teacher of the pre-school part of the Philadelphia Community School (otherwise known as the RC School), and I run a school-related club for ten-year-olds, their parents, and allies. I lead family workshops and have also helped out at several young people's workshops.

Please write to me with anything you want to share. As soon as I have enough, I'll get out a newsletter just to you who have written.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Philip Rees

4508 Chester Ave.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19143, USA
Tel. 215-243-0520

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00