Reports from the No Limits for Women delegation to the UN Forum on Women, at the Conference on the Status of Women in Beijing, 1995

These reports were originally published in Sisters, the women's journal for the Re-evaluation Counseling Community, and Present Time, the quarterly journal of the Re-evaluation Counseling Community.  Re-evaluation Counseling (also called Co-Counseling) is a process whereby people of all ages and backgrounds can learn how to exchange effective help with each other in order to free themselves from the effects of past distress experiences, including the effects of oppression.  No Limits for Women uses the tools of Re-evaluation Counseling to create a system of ongoing mutual support in which women can help free each other from the emotional harm done by sexism.  For more information about No Limits for Women see: <https://www.rc.orgnolimitsmission>. For more information about Re-evaluation Counseling, see: <>


 A Massive, Successful Project, by Diane Balser

Excerpts from Reports from the Beijing Women’s conference

The Economic Victimization of the World's Women, by Rosie Brennan

The African Presence in Beijing, by Melphy Sakupwanya

Resisting War, Poverty and Economic Crisis, by Wanjiku Kironyo

All Was Well: Beijing through Gabriella’s Eyes, by Molnar Gabriella

Learning to Listen, by Jo Perry

Being a Male Ally in a Massive Women’s Movement, by Chris Austill 

Getting a Global Perspective, by Susanne Langer

Cooperation between Women from the First and Second Worlds, by Wytske Visser

Disability Leadership, by Yuho Asaka

No Limits in the Lives of Women with Disabilities, by Yuho Asaka

Brief Report on China Trip, by Mary Bassett 

List of No Limits Workshops


Photos of the No Limits for Women Delegation to Beijing in 1995

Last modified: 2019-05-02 14:41:35+00