About Care of the Environment

The Re-evaluation Counseling Communities have a strong commitment to intelligent thought and action about our environment.  Our 2017 Goal states our commitment well:

That members of the RC Community become knowledgeable of the clear evidence of the continually growing damage to the environment and all life forms, especially the climate change resulting from the ever-rising temperatures caused by human activity.

That we face and discharge any distress that interferes with our finding sustainable solutions, including the ending of the oppressive and exploitative nature of our societies. That we decide, discharge, and act against any distress that inhibits us from determining immediate steps, as large and radical as necessary, to end this damage, and from organizing and agitating for their adoption by governments and industries. 

That we do this work together with everyone, especially oppressed communities which are currently experiencing the most damage from climate change.

 To that end, we have an International Commonality Reference Person for the Environment: Wytske Visser.  We have formed a project to take action in the world: Sustaining All Life.  And we have developed many resources to support us in this work, and many of those resources are found on our website.  


Last modified: 2022-05-19 17:01:28+00