Translation of the preceding article

The Effects of a "Read English and Discharge" Group

  1. We were two persons (laughter).
  2. We had an opening circle, appreciations to right and left, and some theory.
  3. We shared time reading English or being encouraged to do so. We discharged and had dictionaries ready.
  4. We had appreciations and a closing circle.
  5. We agreed that the effect was enormous.


After the first meeting I could not stop reading after the group had finished. I had started an article for Present Time which I planned to finish for months. Whenever I tried, I stopped. Now I experienced the opposite ñ it was so interesting that I could not stop reading. I read until I fell asleep that evening. My first thought the next morning was to continue reading. It was such a pleasure! Barriers and feelings still came up, but they had less power to control me now; I knew by experience that they could be discharged. This made me more powerful. And the articles I read were really interesting.


When we met the second time, we had made a great leap forward. We continued to read and discharge on learning and reading English. It was easy to work on; it was so concrete. We became so enthusiastic we wanted to tell all the readers of Parsamtalenettverket i Norge, but neither of us wanted to write... (laughter). It turned out we had patterns on writing as well, Okay, letís start a "write and discharge" group! We did. And it works too! (hahaha)

Now I have access to lots of literature, both within RC and outside, which was inaccessible to me before because I found the barriers insurmountable. This is literature I appreciate a lot; I would not have been without it. It is wonderful and easy. It is a relief to get rid of a burden and know that I just have to discharge whenever remains of old hurts show up now and then.

Gro Otto
Stavanger, Norway
translated by Anne Helgedagsrud

reprinted from Parsamtalenettverket i Norge,
the RC newsletter for Norway

originally printed in Present Time Vol 107, p. 17

Last modified: 2015-02-04 00:25:57+00